New Techniques
The new technique that i have learned is the show ribbon as this has helped for working in 3ds max as I can see what can be done when editing. The cut tool will make a new edges across the face you selected and this can be used for more accurate poly editing. There is difficulty making the cuts accurate and only use it when you know what you are going to do with the objects as this will increase the polygon count.Practical

This exercise was to use editable splines to create an mailbox like object. I use a technique called fillet to add the curve as it creates vertex and then that vertex goes towards the middle to make the curve. Outline which it creates a copy of the the spline and scales in the current position, which this case smaller.When I extrude the outer spline this only raised the in-between the first spline and the second spline and this method can be used instead of the boolean technique. There was no trouble in completion with this exercise.

This exercise is about use spline around a picture and then use a method called lathe, which makes an object by rotating that spline all away around depending the axis to make a complex 3d shape. This exercise was difficult as making the splines accurate is very hard and this can show when using lathe. However this technique will be very important as this can make complex shapes and turn them into 3D shapes instead of 'lofting' the shape (extruding) but that method has the same drawback that the spline will need to be accurate.

This exercise is using the three views (top,front and left) to help recreate models this is done by adding a picture to planes using the material menu (G). This exercise will be very useful for my assignment models as this will help the models be at the right position and scale for increase acratly to improve my models.
Assignment models

After the practical exercises, I started on the x-wing by using the 3 views of the pictures of a technical drawings of an x-wing. and then using a spline to get a basic shape of the body which could be edited down. using this method might be difficult as their is a great accuracy needed to making the shape. However in this model this should be easy as the only work need to be done is the body and one wing as you can duplicate the wings after you have finish one wing to complete the model. The completion of the body should be the most difficult. However this can also be achieved by making a cylinder with 7 sides to make a heptagon for the shape and then add the remaining body and make a boolean or by creating edges and then deleting polygons to achieve the body shape needed for an X-wing.

edited at 29/10/2015 15:11 original date 25/10/2015 20;20