Sunday, 25 October 2015

Week 4

New Techniques 

The new technique that i have learned is the show ribbon as this has helped for working in 3ds max as I can see what can be done when editing. The cut tool will make a new edges across the face you selected and this can be used for more accurate poly editing. There is difficulty making the cuts accurate and only use it when you know what you are going to do with the objects as this will increase the polygon count.


This exercise was to use editable splines to create an mailbox like object. I use a technique called fillet to add the curve as it creates vertex and then that vertex goes towards the middle to make the curve. Outline which it creates a copy of the the spline and scales in the current position, which this case smaller.When I extrude the outer spline this only raised the in-between the first spline and the second spline and this method can be used instead of the boolean technique. There was no trouble in completion with this exercise.

This exercise is about use spline around a picture and then use a method called lathe, which makes an object by rotating that spline all away around depending the axis to make a complex 3d shape. This exercise was difficult as making the splines accurate is very hard and this can show when using lathe. However this technique will be very important as this can make complex shapes and turn them into 3D shapes instead of 'lofting' the shape (extruding) but that method has the same drawback that the spline will need to be accurate.

This exercise is using the three views (top,front and left) to help recreate models this is done by adding a picture to planes using the material menu (G). This exercise will be very useful for my assignment models as this will help the models be at the right position and scale for increase acratly to improve my models. 

Assignment models

After the practical exercises, I started on the x-wing by using the 3 views of the pictures of a technical drawings of an x-wing. and then using a spline to get a basic shape of the body which could be edited down. using this method might be difficult as their is a great accuracy needed to making the shape. However in this model this should be easy as the only work need to be done is the body and one wing as you can duplicate the wings after you have finish one wing to complete the model. The completion of the body should be the most difficult. However this can also be achieved by making a cylinder with 7 sides to make a heptagon for the shape and then add the remaining body and make a boolean or by creating edges and then deleting polygons to achieve the body shape needed for an X-wing.

edited at 29/10/2015 15:11 original date 25/10/2015 20;20

Sunday, 18 October 2015

Week 3

How did you get on with the new Modelling techniques? 

I got on with the modelling techniques quite well and happy as the new techniques was very useful for the assignment especially the grouping as organising the file with object names and grouping is worth a lot of marks and the technique will be used in every model. The use of the boolean operations  and the alignment techniques was a bit more difficult as there is a lot of options and therefore added complexity to the techniques, but working on the techniques made it a lot more easier,which lead to using the techniques for my module. 


The only problems with the new techniques is when to decide to use some of the techniques as there can be multiple ways of doing most objects. Using splines was quite difficult when making the shapes accurately as attempts on recreating the land speeder using splines took a couple attempts as
try to be accurately using the line tool to make an accurate shape. Importing a picture onto a plane could help, as this will give more accurate scale for lines and the positions of the line splines.

New Techniques

I have discovered the use of the symmetry tool as using this tool has helped by duplicate object to the other side of a body to help in creating a tie interceptor wings and has saved a lot of time of the transformation and the rotations of  the objects.


The model that is being made is the tie interceptor this model has lot detale that still needs to be done.

The model was done by using multiple techniques and by editing the polygons of the basic shapes. The Good thing about this model at the moment is the detail of the basic shape as the use of with a use of multiple techniques like using swift loops, cutting and using movement tools of bevel and extrude. A negative part of this model is that there is a lot more that can be done to reduce the polygon count. as using the cut tool and swift loop, also the shapes having a lot of segments,this has increase the polygon count as a lot of the polygons was not use in editing. Also trying to get the scaling right has been a big issue so next time will take more time planning the model and trying to get the sizing more accurate.

The land speeder will be redone using the spline tool as this should improve the polygon efficiency and the detail of the body of the land speeder.

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Week two

The techniques used in the ship wheel exercise was creating the shapes and use auto grid to put the cylinders on the side of the tube accurately, and then by moving the and also scaling the cylinders.

The techniques used to make the house was by making the box shape in to and editable poly and then delete the polygons to make windows and doors. Also the top of the block had certern polygons moved to raise the top of the box to have it curved to be a roof of the house.

The castle was made by using the all the techniques above as there was editing polys and by the auto grid and snapping of angles to get the object in the right position.

The exercise was a good introduction to help using 3D Max as the techniques used, seemed to the basics and will be used throughout the assignment. Even those the techniques were simple but there will be a lot more depth especially as they will be a need to plan to reduce segments to reduce the amount of polygons and the amount of tools to use when editing the basic shapes (standard primitives) to make more complex models.

Important elements

There is not much thoughts on the interface as it can seem complex but it will get used to the program. The view ports will get a lot to get used to as it is best have a mixed views on the first 3 view ports and on wire frame and the 4th is in perspective where i will used the edged faces to make editing polygons easier. The interface which is the most important element is create shape as that can be used to make more complex objects then use the snapping tool, poly editing and boolean to make more complex shapes/ models.

Assignment Models

I might have second thoughts on the tie interceptor and doing a tie fighter as the tie fighter is a more iconic spaceship the stars wars universe but the decision will be made a bit later as it will not affect the storyboard for the animation.

The land speeder model so far has the basic body which needs to have the seats and the wind screen on the top of the body of the land speeder. The body shape was done by using the editable poly feature and then deleting polygon and the press the mesh smooth button in the edit geometry in the editable poly of the edit section to give the land speeder the curve on the front,
The engines at the moment was done using a a big cylinder and then having a smaller cylinder to use as a cutter for a boolean but need to work on how the engines will connect to the body and the back of the engines and the inside of the land speeder and to make the land speeder polygon count as low as possible.

Saturday, 3 October 2015

Week one 3D Modelling

Initial Thoughts on the design brief

My initial thoughts of the design brief is that the models could get complicated as there is a lot of detail in the vehicles and the other non humanoid models.However, breaking down the vehicles can be made, using multiple different basic shapes to make a more complex shapes. On the other hand,it was quite easy to plan for the animation with the storyboard also the selection of stuff to model is large because the star wars universe is huge and is very interesting.

Key images

These are the pictures of the vehicles I will replicate in 3ds Max and are in different angles to help me.

Tie Interceptor

X-Wing Starfighter

X-34 Landspeeder

Mood Board

The viewer should feel shocked and tense when watching the animation due to the action, as the scene has the main characters in danger from the enemy without a clear way of overcoming the enemy.When their ally comes and safe the main characters then the viewer should should have respect to their ally that has saved the main character. The colour red is that red is firey colour so this shows excitement and action.



red wallpaper hd iphone


Story Board (First Draft) 

the story board is in the first draft and is about a tie interceptor chasing the landspeeder and firing the lasers at the landspeeder. until a x wing appears and destroy the tie interceptor. The arrows represent the movement of the vehicles. There is also plenty of camera angles which could change in different drafts of the storyboard
sorry for the art

[1] [Tie interceptor] n.d [image online] Available at < > [accessed 01 October 2015]
[2] fractalsponge (username) 4th February 2015 {image online] Available at < > [accessed 01 October 2015]
[3] [Tie interceptor] n.d [image online] Available at < > [accessed 01 October 2015]
[4] n.d [image online] Available at < > [Accessed 01 October 2015]
[5] n.d [image online] Available at < > [Accessed 01 October 2015]
[6] n.d [ image online ] Available at < > [Accessed 01 October 2015]
[7] n.d [ image online] Available at <  > [Accessed 01 October 2015]
[8] n.d [image online] Available at < > [Accessed 01 October 2015]
[10] n.d [Image online] Available at < > [Accessed 01 October 2015]
[13] n.d [image online] Avaliable < > [ accessed 01 October 2015]
[15] n.d [image online] available at < > [Accessed 01 October 2015] 
[16] wall paper 27th January 2015 [image online] [accessed 09 november 2015]

Edited on 09/11/2015 21:33  original date 03.10.2015 12:39