Progress in assignment
The Assignment in general is going be difficult as there is time constants is restricting the quality of the models however overall the assignment should be finished on time.
Tie Interceptor

The Tie interceptor needs a lot more detail and have a finish face for the ship but the basic model is nearly completed and this is a good part of the model so far as is has a resemblance of a tie interceptor. However there is a lot of detail needed for the wings, which should be easy by moving vertexes of shapes to make more complex shapes.

A problem of this model is that using multiple sources of pictures and the detailed picture ether has not enough detail in the chair or not at all and the the detail of the body that is connected to the wing can be different depending on the picture use. Also another problems is that after using a boolean edit called union this has lead to the part connecting to the engine as one object in the body as this now has lead to a lot of problems when creating the hole in the land-speeder for where the seats are supposed to be. And this has lead to edges to appearing and made the body less polygon efficient and the body not being accurate to the source material. On the other hand the body roughly looks accurate but the models needs to improve in detail.
The x-wing attempt did not go well as the body of the ship is hard to recreate as the body shapes need a lot of editing and combining multiple shapes or use a splines, however the wings of the x-wing will be much more easier as planning the shapes for the wing is more easier for me and can reuse techniques from the tie interceptor.
New Techniques
Pro-optimizer is a modifier that reduces the number of faces by automatic removing vertexes from that object selected and therefore reduces the number of polygons in that object.
Removing is a technique to manually remove vertex s and edges of an object and I use this remove useless edges in an object however this can affect the shape of an object.
From week 4 I have been using the 3 view technique on most models now and this has help on positioning an scales of the objects. However need to keep the pictures that are used with my model files as is will not have the material for the plane without the file.
This exercise is about materials which has a lot to learn but is very important when modelling. This is to explain the different options in the clasped view of the material menu with the use of maps and manipulating the bitmap.

This task was to create one material that look like metal and one that looked like wood only using diffuse and specular colour options.Exercise
This exercise is about materials which has a lot to learn but is very important when modelling. This is to explain the different options in the clasped view of the material menu with the use of maps and manipulating the bitmap.

This exercise was done before as i use this technique on the three way editing which i have used on my models and some previous exercises and this will be expanded on how to manaliplate the size or angle of the bitmap later.
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