bevel on wing pylon ends to give the round bit of the wing through the wing to add detail. and back of ship
used an inset made from small boxes to help edit edges to look like a front of tie interceptor bevel the polygons inward but important to have group as by polygon,so it bevels each polygon separate; like bevelling each polygon one at a time. This made it easer instead of having use of the boolean tool as this will take a lot more time to create a cutter shape that is accurate and previous attempts did not get the shape right.
However the top of the tie interceptor is flat and lessen the detail of the model.

For the wings I used outline to separate the wider parts of the wing from the thinner part

Also I used extrude three of the edges to add more detail to the wings. This method was better than using splines as it is a lot easier to use however there is less accuracy in this method to try and recreate the tie interceptor model.

Overall this model is going good however the getting the detail on the wings will be tricky but the basic model is finish and it looks fine, however trying to reduce the polygon count might be tricky as using the pro optimizer will end up effecting the shape or using multi-res. Also using those methods could effect the texturing of the model.

The gun of the wing was made using the cylinders and a box with the use of auto grid to increase the accuracy of the position of the gun as it would have to be straight. The connection in-between the objects can be done with outlining and then extrude or use of the bevel tool to give better quality and more accurate. The polygon count for each object is also low as the segments are low.

The engines was done by using a mix between outline and extruding as use extrude for 0.1 cm and then use outline to not affect the edges of the rest of the object, as doing this made it more accurate then using bevel as that will that and not what I wanted. This is good as this looks very accurate to the x-wing and is very polygon efficient.

After clone and then copy the wings I used mirror the wings in to the right spot, this is the tool that was the most accurate however getting the wing in the right transformation was difficult.
However when redoing the body could have a simpler shape instead of trying using a spline. as I inserted an edge half way through the body and then scale that edge to get a hexagon. This could be done by using a cylinder and putting side to 6 but this would not get the accuracy of the shape I wanted, without putting in more work than needed.
This is more accurate compared to the previous body as it is more edges are more straight and there is less polygons used as there was less edges used,which lead to modelling the body more easier.

This is my least favourite part of the model as it was a more complex shape to recreate and after using the bevel tool, it needed the vertexes moved and some of this needed to be smoothed. However the quality is still poor as that shape was hard to recreate due to the complexity.

Applying Materials to Objects
I think applying materials to the X wing should be the easiest as there is a lot of basic shapes to use the mapping parameters when the shape is unwrapped and therefore should be easier to texture the object. but the object will be needed to be broken down just to make it easier to edit the uvw map positioning and also applying textures. I think this would be the same with the Tie Interceptor but a bit more difficult as the use of outline on the wings on the objects overlapping.
The land speeder might be difficult as some of the bit on the model will be difficult as i would need to break down the object and also detach some stuff on the model as the main body's shape is complex and might be difficult to apply texture.
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