Model Evaluations
Tie Interceptor

The Model can be improved by adding more detail as there is not a lot of detail on the model compared to the actual source material and this can be improved by adding bumps on the wings and the inner parts of the wings.
One problem that was overcome was making the face of the ship as initially was trying to use cutter shape and then uses a boolean but it did not look accurate, so I used a new technique called inset which made a polygon inside that polygon but it still did not work as i needed to use the by polygon part of that tool. In the end I took out edges to make it look like one section of the face (this made it more polygon efficient as well), and then inset and then use bevel to bring out the septation between the glass and the metal. So I overcame the problem by using research and by trail and error, this also improved other models as using the research from overcoming this model to be used on another .

Using this picture [1] was used for the model to help for proportions by using two of the viewports as front and right. This was used to help the shape and the proportions of the ship. My tie interceptor is simulator to the source material but it just needs more detail.

The X-wings guns (even those it is detailed), it was made using multiple shapes and this is really bad polygon efficiency as in hindsight I could of used the outline then extrude technique to create the gun with the use of multiple shapes.
The Body of the x wing initially had shapes made out of splines which was un-accurate and after looking at the shape of the body it is a hexagon so used a basic shape and edited the edges and polygons to give the body more detail and compared to the source material will look accurate.

The X-Wing proportions and shape is accurate as I used the three way view technique. I would make the guns to one shape and improve te front of the ship. Mostly I would add more detail to improve the model.
X-34 Land Speeder

This model need to improve on most aspects. The model still need work on improving detail as the detail is poor or non-existent that is makes this model look bad compared to the source material. The use of pro optimiser have helped on the polygon efficiency as this has reduce the polygons that was not needed and did not affect the shape of the model. However their is gaping problems and edges around the shape and has had a negative impact on editing the shape because of using the boolean but next time using techniques from the other models this won't happen next time. The shape and proportions on the body work was help using the front and top view and does compare to the actual model that I was recreating.

In general, There was lots of new techniques learnt during this assignment but due to time constraints quality is not the best that it could be.
Wookiepeedia,N.D, TieInterceptor [Online] cb=20081030151146 <accessed 09/11/2015>
Photobucket n.d X Wing blueprint [online]
<accessed 09/11/2015>
Wookiepeedia N.D x-34 LandSpeeder [Online} <accessed 09/11/2015>

The Model can be improved by adding more detail as there is not a lot of detail on the model compared to the actual source material and this can be improved by adding bumps on the wings and the inner parts of the wings.
One problem that was overcome was making the face of the ship as initially was trying to use cutter shape and then uses a boolean but it did not look accurate, so I used a new technique called inset which made a polygon inside that polygon but it still did not work as i needed to use the by polygon part of that tool. In the end I took out edges to make it look like one section of the face (this made it more polygon efficient as well), and then inset and then use bevel to bring out the septation between the glass and the metal. So I overcame the problem by using research and by trail and error, this also improved other models as using the research from overcoming this model to be used on another .
Using this picture [1] was used for the model to help for proportions by using two of the viewports as front and right. This was used to help the shape and the proportions of the ship. My tie interceptor is simulator to the source material but it just needs more detail.

The X-wings guns (even those it is detailed), it was made using multiple shapes and this is really bad polygon efficiency as in hindsight I could of used the outline then extrude technique to create the gun with the use of multiple shapes.
The Body of the x wing initially had shapes made out of splines which was un-accurate and after looking at the shape of the body it is a hexagon so used a basic shape and edited the edges and polygons to give the body more detail and compared to the source material will look accurate.
The X-Wing proportions and shape is accurate as I used the three way view technique. I would make the guns to one shape and improve te front of the ship. Mostly I would add more detail to improve the model.
X-34 Land Speeder

This model need to improve on most aspects. The model still need work on improving detail as the detail is poor or non-existent that is makes this model look bad compared to the source material. The use of pro optimiser have helped on the polygon efficiency as this has reduce the polygons that was not needed and did not affect the shape of the model. However their is gaping problems and edges around the shape and has had a negative impact on editing the shape because of using the boolean but next time using techniques from the other models this won't happen next time. The shape and proportions on the body work was help using the front and top view and does compare to the actual model that I was recreating.
In general, There was lots of new techniques learnt during this assignment but due to time constraints quality is not the best that it could be.
Wookiepeedia,N.D, TieInterceptor [Online] cb=20081030151146 <accessed 09/11/2015>
Photobucket n.d X Wing blueprint [online]
<accessed 09/11/2015>
Wookiepeedia N.D x-34 LandSpeeder [Online} <accessed 09/11/2015>
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