These are some of the camera and animation techniques used in for the birds animation.
0:26 long shot is used to give the scale and the empty
0:29 close shot
0:53 Zoom out to show that there is a lot of birds in the shot
0.55 A long shot to show distance between the two characters.
0:57 A close up to help express shock to the viewer
0:59 A close up to the to the new character from the pov from the small birds to give perception of size difference
1:02 The movement of the eyes and then the head
1:17 A extreme long shot to show the scale of the setting of the animation which shows the length of the electrical wires.
1:32 A Dutch angle to give the expression of the birds slipping down and that the birds can't stop
1:34 The wire moves and then the birds move anticipation.
1:54 extreme close up on the birds feet to show that the threat is still there
1:55 extreme close up on the birds face of the realisation of that the big bird is still there of their surprise
2:16 A long shot to show the big bird is pulling the wire to the ground. and using excaturation as a wire will not bend as much like that

I decided to make a terrain for my animation as in the story board the animation will be a chase scene with a ground vehicle (landspeeder). To make a ground terrain is to make a height map I used the cloud effect in the tool selection to make a quick map as the the lighter the colour the lower the terrain is.

Then using the tool displace I inserted the that height map in to the bitmap parameter in the displace and then increase the strength of the displacement to bring out the height differences of the low and high parts of the terrain.
The camera will move depending on what shots I need. The camera will move move with the moving object (using the look at constraint) as it will be a target camera and will do some of these shots by changing the FOV of the camera to give focus of the object depending on which scene. The camera could move by using a spline and path constraints to move a camera or an object along the spline.
However an issue is as the terrain is bumpy is to make sure the camera does not clip through the terrain during the animation. Another potential issue is the seems less transitions of camera angles or shots as making that smooth will be difficult.
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