The animation of the camera will be done by using the path constraints to move the camera easeir during animation. This can be used to have zoom outs/in to change a camera shot or by follow the action in action scenes in animation. Issues of animating the camera is getting the speed right when using the camera animation to capture pursuit scenes as too slow will make the camera have a very long shot which might not be the effect I want or too fast in which the action will be missed so it needs to match the speed of the vehicles but this can depend on the camera shots needed as some shots might require the vehicles to overtake to have a close up and then a long shot to capture the speed of the vehicles.
Another problem will be that the camera could easily clip through the ground as the ground is bumpy so this means moving in a straight line could end up going through the ground. This means that positioning of the path for the camera will be key for a quality animation.
The exercise shows the use of path constraints to move a camera on a spline. This will be useful for camera techniques to zoom out or by changing camera angles during a scene of an animation.


The unwrapping of the land speeder body. I unfold the map using the tool unfold map and this lead to this and therefore is confusing when painting so i rendered this map and saved to a jpeg to edit the map to put colour on it. However letting 3ds max unfold it automattic has caused the painting of the object really confusing.

The landspeeder has got the body painted using the mapping in gimp. The painting of the model is at a bad quality due to me not being great at artwork and was a consiquence of the mapping of the object being all over the place.

The glass was done by making the shader parameter into metal and two sided and then add a reflection map with fall off and increase the advance transparancy. this website was used to help make the glass .

Painting the engines was difficult as there are a lot of faces in the left part of the engine but after using the pro optimiser tool the painting was easier as only needed two colours and it was not a complex texturing because it reduce the number of face by reducing the number of vertexes.The problem is that when exporting the maps to gimp, gimp must not recognise the map colour and therefore will will have a difference contrast of black so when using the fill tool in gimp means that it will not fill in-between all of the face with in that border.

This was done to the xwing with the same method but there is still alot of green lines present but there is detail within the paint work to increase the quality of the model.

The animation of the project is going well but is still being worked.
original date: 29/11/2015 19:27 Editited on 02/12/2015 15.08